EAFH-34: Michael Spayd talks Systemic Consciousness and Systemic Racism
EAFH-34: Michael Spayd Talks Systemic Consciousness and Systemic Racism

Well, I've been in the Agile World about 20 years actually and have done a lot of large-scale transformations and started the Agile Coaching Institute with Lyssa Adkins in 2010. And more recently started a company called The Collective Edge with Lyssa and Michael Hamman and Kat Conner. And the time I've spent in the Agile community has been around bringing disciplines, methodologies, techniques in from other disciplines outside of technical ones or Agile software development like facilitation, professional coaching, organizational change and culture, leadership development, things that are really important that are needed in the Agile community but that the Agile community doesn't necessarily know a whole lot about or is not native to them. And I just finished a book with Michele Madore called Agile Transformation: Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework To Think And Lead Differently. And that's about a big picture view of how transformations go and when we can expect them to happen and when we can't.
I want to give some shout out for contributions to Kyana Brow-Hendrickson for the music that we use.
And this podcast is copyright 2020 by Knolshare and Dr. Dave Cornelius.
So until next time I say, be well, stay safe and let's get connected.
Buy Michael Spayd latest book Agile Transformation - Using the integral agile transformation framework on Amazon.